q8e306nvo" /> Conscious for Good

Become Conscious for Good

Free conscious awakening training, so you can finally become conscious for good—for yourself, your family, and all of humanity. It's free, by invitation only.

Click to get an invitation...


Conscious Awakening Training

The Driver's Seat of the Mind™️ is an experiential program that starts you on the road to being conscious for good.

It's a journey of self-discovery, where you get to directly experience what you intellectually know. This is a game-changer.

IT'S FREE—because humanity needs to wake-up. By invitation only because this is exclusively for those who are ready, open minded, genuine, sincere and earnest—who will be the ripple our world needs.  

Go At Your Own Pace

From any device, any time, at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

You must go on the Driver's Seat of the Mind™ journey with a partner. Either come with a practice partner, or find one in the Partner Pitstop, before the taking the course.

If you don't have a partner yet, don't worry—everyone gets a partner! You'll get all the details of how it works in the Pitstop.

Compassionate Community

Join our community and connect with seekers from around the world who are just like you. Learn and share with this growing movement.

Our community is like friends who become family for life. They are dedicated and committed to doing this work and supporting each other. You are never alone now.

Come, discover, transcend, and ripple it out to others, even by just your presence.


Master your mind, feelings, and relationships - for life!


Cindy Teevens

Hi there! I'm known as the spiritual facilitator who keeps it real. Nothing woo-woo here, there's only real insights that get breakthroughs, lasting results, and sometimes glimpses beyond the illusion of separation, triggering joyful laughter and tears of love.

I hope you take your rightful place in The Driver's Seat of the Mind™, and join us on the exceptional path to freedom and Truth.  

Spiritual Facilitator, who keeps it real

1 - Partners Pitstop

Meet or make a friend here to take this journey with. You will support, encourage, and hold each other accountable for doing the simple and short daily tasks

2 - Pre-Training

Take the short pre-training in the Partners Pitstop. When you are both ready, you will move onto the Driver's Seat of the Mind, Track One: 5 Day Conscious Awakening Training & Challenge.

3 - Take the Challenge

One small task a day, for 5 days, will begin to reveal to you the inner workings of the mind, awareness, and unconsciousness.

4 - Keep the Course

You will be given free lifetime access to the trainings in the Driver's Seat of the Mind, Track One. More free trainings may be coming in Track Two. They are being developed in a beta test group, which you may get the opportunity to join. You may also join the community and membership when you finish your training.


Why I made this program, and why it's free.  



Everyone I've ever worked with says "the voice in the head" is their problem.  

Why, after years of spiritual and inner work, do they still struggle with this?  

Because waking up is not what you may think it is.  

It's not what new age spirituality or self-help says it is. And it's unknown in psychology.  

It's not the big "Enlightenment" or "Self-Realization" you may have heard about.  

Until one wakes up from, and to, the dreaming mind, there is no way to even begin to reach that.  

And yet, nearly everyone wakes up, and falls asleep, many times during the day.  

After 11 years of hearing people unconsciously put mental roadblocks in their way, I wanted to find a way to help them put an end to that, once and for all.  

It's unconscious because nobody would consciously do that on purpose, right?  

What causes it is dreaming the mind—the experience as if what's going on in the mind is going on in reality.  

It's confusing the mind for reality, and not discerning the difference.

Taken to the extreme, this is called Schizophrenia in psychology.

The fact is that nearly all of humanity is not just experiencing "the voice in the head," but also...  other sounds, videos, images, feelings, smells, touch, and even tastes. All in the mind—but they don't know it.

That's what I call—the "Movie in the Mind™"—and we're scaring ourselves, and others, with it.  

We're living painful mental movies—in the midst of freedom, love, joy, and peace.  

We're acting out the bad dream, on reality. And that just doesn't work, in reality.  

Almost nobody knows it because...  

It's very convincing, nearly everyone else agrees with each other's dreams,  we are afraid to disagree (fear of rejection),  we haven't been taught the difference—and in fact, our whole society is unknowingly based on it, accommodates it, and encourages it...

But now our very survival depends upon waking up from this dreaming.  

After Covid hit and suffering reached an all-time high, and our mental health services, which were already losing the war, started to crack and crumble under the strain...  

It struck me that none of our psychological, self-help, nor even spiritual systems address waking up from the Movie in the Mind™.  

We, as a society, don't even know that it's happening because until it's extreme, it's considered normal.  

But what is "normal" is just common—and not natural and not healthy.  Not the highest human potential.  

But of course, the very meaning of "unconscious" is to be not knowing.  And so, here we are.  

Only somehow vaguely sensing "something is wrong, or something is missing."  

Self-help, mental health, and "New Age" spirituality all engage the thinking mind, rather than point to waking up from it.  

Of course, it couldn't be any other way, because the teachers and therapists are also dreaming the movie.  

No wonder our mental health, of even children, is degrading.  

Some spiritual guidance enables you to discover the activity of dreaming the mind—accidentally, on your own while sitting in silence.  

But I want to address it head-on. (Pardon the pun.)  

That's because my father suffered so severely, he became depressed and died by suicide.  

Now my life's mission is to reverse the rapidly rising stress, anxiety, drug use, depression, and suicide rates.  

Nothing available addresses what it means to be unconsciously dreaming, how to stop, nor how to prevent it.  

And dreaming is a major cause of humanity's problems.  

So, for a few months, I ran a small group with the intention of helping them recognize the mind and discern it from the real.  

I didn't know how, but my goal was to find a way to put an end to people unconsciously getting in their own way.  

I recalled my own release, and how I "got real" and eventually abandoned the mind...

And I knew it was due to discoveries made from real-life experiments, by paying radical attention.  

So I began giving the group body-mind experiment tasks.  

All were insightful, and they built on each other—but we quickly landed on one experiment that surprised all of us.  

It was sooooo good, that it simply must be shared with the world—in all spiritual, psychological, and mental health arenas.  

Everyone wishes to control their thoughts, but as anyone who's tried knows, it can't be directly done.  

But the good news is, when you wake up, you don't have to.  

Just like when you wake up from a bad dream at night, there's nothing you need to do about the dream.  It's over. You are immediately free, and safe.  

You can awaken in the middle of a nightmare during the day, and you can learn to stay consciously awake.  

The mind is like film, taking impressions that shape it's content and momentum.

This is why some people have largely negative mind content, and some have largely positive content.

But neither knows how they are doing this shaping.

It's also why some people's minds are overactive on relationships, while others are on money, or politics, or health, etc.  

Once you know how the mind works, you can gradually (and even quickly) re-shape the movie content that it spontaneously shows for you.  

But first you must wake-up, or there's no way to consciously manage the mind.  

Now you can use this co-created, revolutionary tool and experience to put an end to being absorbed and lost in the out-of-control mind.  

It's a proven game-changer that is not found anywhere else in self-help, mental health, or spirituality.  

That's why I've designed an online program to make it freely available everywhere.  

But there's something wrong with free.  Free is not valued.

And when it's not valued, it's not taken seriously, and not used, and the potential benefits are not realized.  

It was imperative to find a way to get people highly committed and engaged.  

I realized that the people in the group were more motivated and engaged than in any group I've ever seen, anywhere.  

Their results were phenomenal—even though it was free!  Generally, if you don't pay, you don't pay attention.

So that greatly surprised me.  Apparently, there are two ways to "pay" and get results.

One is with money, and the other is with co-creation and a partner you commit to supporting. And the latter is highly effective.  

We need the most effective method to make a powerful impact on humanity's inner suffering and outer reality.  

So, I am making this program free, but the price of admission is being invited and partnering for five days.

Just like the group of founding co-creators did.  

The program is called "The Driver's Seat of the Mind™," and it will impact your entire life in countless ways.  

It will destroy mental suffering. And that will help heal relationships, careers, health, finances, families, cities, countries, and the world.  

Inner peace comes before outer peace. That's how important you—and this—are.  

I want the truth of the mind and reality to spread from person to person and to infiltrate our society and change it, from the inside out.  

Because right now the Movie in the Mind™ and all the false mental nightmares which make us suffer and cause arguments, fear, anger, crimes, and wars are running the show.  

I want this message and knowledge to spread, not by a marketing machine, but on its own merit... as a movement through people, so that it will go fast, far, and wide—and handed down for generations, so that no matter what happens, this knowledge will remain with us.

Our new collective wisdom and way of being.  

We have inherited and suffered unconscious dreaming, and now we must wake each other up and pass down the truth.

I hope you join us in discovering this game-changer in your life, and that you ripple it out to everyone you know.  

While we've *made* this program, it's not done. I will continue innovating and co-creating with the participants because I've seen the power of that for humanity.  

So it will forever be "under construction" and continually getting better because of each person's participation.  

You and your wisdom that comes from your experience in the driver's seat will have an impact on those who come after you.

But you must pay the price, of supporting, partnering, committing, engaging, and focusing on it for at least five days at a time.  

Ready to be conscious for good? 

Click the link to join—and this time only, don't buckle your seat belt—be willing to let everything that doesn't serve you, go.  

Nothing real will (or can) be harmed in this experience.  

The doors will open to the public, then close while I take what was learned and incorporate it for the next round.

Maybe in six months, maybe in a year.  So now's your chance, to hop in for the ride.  

Take the challenge, and keep the course, free, forever.  

Don't miss it!  Click below to >>> Take your seat of power and take charge.  

Cindy Teevens
Spiritual Facilitator, who keeps it real

PS—Oh, yes, If you want my support in our community membership, that is available afterward, but it's not necessary to join the Driver's Seat of the Mind™.

Take your rightful place, now, and never get stuck in the mind again.

Have you been stuck?

Now's your chance to break free!